A lovely interview with me about How Do You Pray? along with several short excerpts from the book appears in the current online issue of NYSpirit. Here’s a fun excerpt from the interview, my response to the question, “How would you summarize your experience?”
How Do You Pray? is a vision, a book and an evolutionary driver. It merges our human primal instincts with our higher-level intuition and awareness. As we sit with this inquiry we develop a depth of experience and possibility. As we get in touch with ourselves, we realize the veils are thin between each other. As we accept our own condition we can better accept that of others. We realize we are not alone, but part of a community – unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We can live together in peace with respect for our differences. We are inspired by our ancient wisdom as we move together into the future. We are the bridge, one with instinct and intuition, grace and gratitude, heaven and earth.