I’m honored to have been accepted as a regular writer for the online journal of Thrive Global. You can see all my contributions at my writer page there. I invite you to join the conversation on my latest article, “G.O.D.: What does that mean to you?”
“…As I pondered the word [God], I was flooded with an image and the phrase Grid Of Divinity — with the acronym G.O.D. As I shared this image of the Grid of Divinity with a friend I was fascinated to hear that she too had an acronym experience of God: Grace Opening Depths.
Another friend shared hers: Great Open Door. Another was Generate, Organize, Do. A conversation began and there’s no end to it. Good Old Dude really touched my heart and my sense of fun.
We can keep this sweet game going — please share acronyms or inspirations in the comments!…”