I Have Something to Say

Celeste's Blog

Retreat in the Bahamas

Celeste will be a featured teacher at this retreat in the Bahamas in November:

bahamas retreat
November 23 — 27, 2015 Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas
Giving Thanks with the Mystics
A Celebration in Poetry and Prayer

Swami Brahmananda, Mirabai Starr, Celeste Yacoboni, Roger Housden, and Jenny Bird

Mysticism is about a personal and direct connection with the Divine, melting the boundaries of form and transcending religious dogma. Come celebrate this union with the sacred in the company of a world-renowned group of spiritual teachers, mystics, poets, musicians, and interspiritual guides.

Experience a transformational immersion as we dive into the love languages of the mystics — those of poetry and prayer — across a spectrum of spiritual traditions. Through poetry and song, silence and deep dialog, prayer and play, we seek access to a direct encounter with the sacred, and welcome the inrushing of spirit in response to our calling out to the Beloved.

Click here for more information.


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