I Have Something to Say

Celeste's Blog

Harvesting Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen


Harvesting Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen brings to the airwaves a fresh talk radio approach promoting happiness, well-being and global human flourishing by presenting a diverse and proactive collection of the greatest thinkers and doers who have devoted their lives to creating a better world in which to live.

Celeste Yacoboni was honored to be on the show:

Prayer, Intuitive Intelligence, and Creativity with guests Celeste Yacoboni and Elaine Clayton

During this week’s show you will learn about:

  • The power of appreciation in blessing.
  • Research on the connection between healing and prayer.
  • The connections between intuition and creativity, imagination and empathy, dreams and daily life.
  • “Intuitive stream drawing”

Right Click to Download Interview

Celeste Yacoboni is a Minister of Walking Prayer, ordained by the Center for Sacred Studies in Sonora, California. Her work focuses on guiding and supporting people through transitions by creating a space of awareness, presence and inspiration which integrates body, mind, spirit and emotions. She maintains a thriving private practice in Santa Fe, NM in which she facilitates healing and wholeness through Massage Therapy, Chi Nei Tsang, Qigong, Women’s Breast Health, Plant Essences, the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, and the inquiry “How Do You Pray?” Celeste leads “How Do You Pray?” workshops in which people share and experience different ways of prayer and connecting to Source. On her Ho’oponopono CD, Celeste sings a Hawaiian healing practice which creates a space of love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. Celeste lives in New Mexico.

Click here on information about the How Do You Pray? book.


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